“Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and today and forever.” (Hebrews 13:8)
“And Jesus went forth, and saw a great multitude, and was moved with compassion toward them, and healed their sick.” (Matthew 14:14)
One of the biggest problems for people searching for divine healing is that they are not sure that it is God’s will to heal all! Nearly everyone agrees that God heals some people here and there, but the Bible teaches that healing is provided for all!
Let’s Reason Together
Acts 17:2 tells us that Paul reasoned with the Jews out of the scriptures for three Sabbath days. Romans 10:17 tells us that faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.
So let us reason together out of God’s Word to see what God has to say about divine healing and health, and let our faith in divine healing grow and become strong!
You cannot believe God for something by faith unless you know what the will of God is for that situation or need. Faith comes by the Word (will) of God, not through our desires, wishes, or man’s traditions. Faith is not believing that God can, but that God will.
We can see from almost every conceivable angle throughout the Scriptures that there is no Bible doctrine more clearly taught than that it is God’s will to heal every single person who has need of healing!
Let’s see what God’s will for healing has been and is throughout the entire Word of God.
Old Testament
In the Exodus 15 we see that over 3,500 years ago God did not leave the people in doubt concerning His willingness to heal everyone.
Several million people left Egypt; as they wandered in the wilderness, there was not one feeble person among them as long as they obeyed God’s Word. He was Jehovah- Rapha, the Lord that healed them, the Lord their Physician.
Mercy of God
The Psalmist, David, said in Psalm 86:15, “for thou Lord, art good…plenteous in mercy unto all that call upon thee.”
Healing was one of the most prominent mercies throughout the Scriptures.
Sin and Disease
“Who forgiveth all thine iniquities, who healeth all thy diseases.” (Psalm 103:3)
God forgives and heals. “He heals all” is as permanent as “He forgives all.” You cannot separate one from the other as far as God is concerned.
The Secret Place
“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High…with long life will I satisfy him.” (Psalm 91:1, 16)
If a man living in a darker age of this world can dwell in the secret place of the Most High and live a long life, surely you and I in this better age of Grace can do the same, knowing that the secret place is Jesus Christ!
New Testament
The Old Testament is very clear that it was God’s will to heal all who met the conditions. Wherever forgiveness was offered, healing was also offered.
The great redemptive chapter of Isaiah 53 tells us that Jesus bore our sins as well as our sicknesses. Calvary meets all of mankind’s needs. What Jesus did on Calvary, He did for every single person today!
What is God’s Will?
The word “testament,” legally speaking, means “a person’s will.” The Bible contains God’s will and testament in which He gives us all the blessings of Redemption through Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ was the expression of the Father’s will. His life was both a revelation and a manifestation of the unchanging love and will of God. Jesus literally acted out the will of God.
Jesus said, “I came down from heaven, not to do my will, but the will of Him that sent me… He that hath seen Me hath seen the Father… but the Father that dwelleth in me, He doeth the works.” (John 6:38, 14:9-10).
When we see Jesus heal the multitudes, we see the Father God revealing His will. When “He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them,” He was doing and revealing the will of God for our bodies.
Among all these who sought healing from Christ during His earthly ministry, we read of only one who had the kind of theology, “If it by thy will.” This was the leper who said, “Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me clean.” And the first thing Jesus did was to correct his theology by saying, “I will, be thou clean.”
The message taught throughout the Gospels is one of complete healing for soul and body for all who come to Him.
We Cannot Change God’s Names
God has many names in the Scriptures, but seven names are only used in God’s dealings with man. There are seven basic needs of mankind and these names reveal that all of these needs are met in our Redemption. His Redemption covers the whole scope of human need, for He is a perfect Savior, and the number seven is the perfect number!
The blessings revealed by each of these names are all included in the atonement. They are:
No man has the right to change God’s name. When He said in Exodus 15, “I am the Lord that healeth thee,” no one has the right to change it to “I was the Lord that healed you!” I AM means God is the same today as He was yesterday. He does not change! Healing belongs to you and me today!
Jesus is still in the Healing Ministry Today!
“Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall ye do, because I go unto my Father. And whatsoever ye shall ask in My Name that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” (John 14:12-13)
“And they went forth and preached everywhere, the Lord working with them, and confirming the Word with signs following.” Amen. (Mark 16:20)
In Acts 28:8-9, thirty years after His ascension, we read, “All the other sick people in the island came and were cured (healed).” Almost 2,000 years since Calvary, Jesus is continuing His healing ministry on the earth while seated at the right hand of the Father! Glory! Just think about that!
Is Any Sick?
“Is any sick among you… the prayer of faith shall heal the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up…” (James 5:14-15)
Is any sick, means anyone sick, which means that anyone and everyone that’s sick can be healed! Not just one or two or a select few, but anyone and everyone!
God always does what He said He would do. If we’ll pray in faith, God will heal the sick and raise them up!
Nature Heals
In this dispensation of Grace, even nature is doing her best to heal.
As soon as disease germs enter our bodies, nature immediately begins to dispel them. Break a bone or cut a finger and nature will do its best to heal.
God’s healing nature can be seen in His creation. You cannot separate healing and health from God, for He is Life!
Salvation Includes Healing
“Soteria” is the Greek word for “salvation” which implies deliverance, preservation, healing, health, and soundness.
“Sozo” is the Greek word for “saved” and also means healed, made sound, and made whole.
Both words in the Greek for “salvation” and “saved” mean both spiritual and physical salvation. In other words, spiritual and physical healing!
In Ephesians 5:23 Paul said, “He is the Savior of the body.” We are all members in particular (I Corinthians 12:27), so that would include every single one of us as candidates for divine healing and health! All physical and spiritual needs are met for the whole man!
Seek the Healer, Not Healing
Many times people magnify the power of God more than His compassion or love. The Bible reverses this and magnifies His willingness to use His power more than it does the power itself.
The Bible never says that “God is power.” But the Bible does say that “God is love.”
It is not faith in God’s power that secures His blessings (including healing), but faith in
His love and in His will that will bring God’s power or blessings to you and me!
In our Christian walk, let’s make sure that we seek the Healer (Jesus) and then healing and health will always be ours!