Mission and Vision of AFCM

[info_list style=”circle with_bg” icon_bg_color=”#3d82bf” icon_color=”#ffffff” font_size_icon=”24″][info_list_item list_title=”Mission Statement” list_icon=”Defaults-check”]AFCM’s mission is to evangelize and disciple the nations.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Vision” list_icon=”Defaults-check”]To reach the nations with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”Statement of Purpose” list_icon=”Defaults-check”]AFCM endeavors to provide support, leadership and spiritual oversight for its member-ministries who are united in their common beliefs, who desire fellowship with other ministers of like precious faith, and who are in need of ministerial credentials provided by a reputable organization.

Although AFCM serves as a spiritual covering for its members, it does not govern any of its members-ministries. Each ministry operates independently of AFCM. However, as members of the Body of Christ, all should live lives representative of Christ and above reproach. Therefore, AFCM and its leadership strongly believe, teach, and exemplify a high standard of integrity, Godly character, and moral excellence, and encourage that standard to be duplicated throughout its membership.[/info_list_item][info_list_item list_title=”The purpose of AFCM is to:” list_icon=”Defaults-check”]

  • Provide a means of unity, strength, and fellowship among members of AFCM.
  • Assist AFCM ministers in reaching their most effective potential in the ministry to which God has called them.
  • Recognize ministers who have proven themselves through membership in AFCM as licensed or ordained ministers.
  • Supply a means of Godly encouragement and counsel to ministers in accuracy of doctrine and integrity of character.
  • Assist in coordinating overseas ministry projects and the support of AFCM missions.
  • Take the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the nations.


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